What will teaching independent sleep mean for our family?


Healthy, restorative sleep, is a gift you can give your child which they will carry into toddlerhood, childhood and throughout the years where sleep is necessary for growth, learning & development.

Getting great sleep not only benefits your child, but will be life-changing for you. Parenthood is utterly exhausting let alone with the added weight of sleep deprivation. Yet for some reason we continue to put ourselves through the angst of bedtime battles and hourly night wakings and feel guilty for wanting things to be different.

Your child will thrive, when you are thriving.

With a better night’s sleep for you and your family, you can be energised, patient and able to show up consistently & empathetically for your child when they need you most. You will feel vast improvements in your mental health, allowing you to be more emotionally available to your child, your partner and yourself.

You and your child deserve happiness, health and energy.

The aim of any form of sleep coaching is not to create a robot child that sleeps perfectly every single day for the rest of their life. Sleep is not linear and it is a completely normal part of life to have disturbances in sleep due to things like sickness, developmental changes & just life in general. But you will feel more confident and able help your child through those tough times by giving them the sleep support they need.

If you no longer find joy in feeding to sleep, holding your baby for every nap or perhaps you are just on the brink of exhaustion from frequent night wakings - you are not alone. Wanting better sleep is not selfish.

I believe that giving your child the tools to enable them to have healthy, independent sleep is a skill they will carry with them into toddlerhood, childhood and throughout those precious years where sleep is vital for development and growth.

Sleep is essential and a deeply beneficial gift you can give to your family.


If you’re struggling with your baby or toddler’s sleep, enrol in my Halcyon Sleep Coaching Course to learn how to stop night wakings, transition from co-sleeping to a cot and get into a routine that works for your whole family.

You might also like my post What is Sleep Coaching?

Or listen to this episode of the Rest is Best podcast to hear how Kayte’s life has changed since teaching her daughter independent sleep.


Learn more about sleep shaping and teaching independent sleep at Halcyon Sleep School!


How to teach your toddler to stay in their bed and sleep through the night.


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